QR code scanner is all-in-one fastest and easy to use scanning application that can read all QR and barcode types including text, url, product, contact, email and all other formats.
Convert your smartphone into a powerful QR Code Reader, Barcode scanner, and Data Matrix scanning utility. Simply point to QR or barcode you want to scan and app will automatically detect and scan it. You can create your own barcodes as well.
• Fastest and accurate scanning
• Flashlight option to scans in dark environment
• Scanned results copy to clipboard or share with friends
• Option to scan from gallery pictures
• Create and share your own QR codes
• Complete history of your scanned codes
• only few permissions required
• Fully support QR code & Barcode
Enjoy Free Scanning Qr Codes & Barcodes with QR CODE SCANNER....!!!
code scanner QR adalah semua-dalam-satu tercepat dan mudah untuk menggunakan aplikasi pemindaian yang dapat membaca semua QR dan jenis barcode termasuk teks, url, produk, kontak, email dan semua format lain.
Mengkonversi smartphone Anda menjadi QR Code Reader kuat, scanner Barcode, dan Data Matrix utilitas scanning. Hanya menunjuk ke QR atau barcode Anda ingin memindai dan aplikasi secara otomatis akan mendeteksi dan scan. Anda dapat membuat barcode Anda sendiri juga.